Reset and Troubleshooting

Complete Reset

Occasionally you may need to perform a complete reset of your node due to data corruption or misconfiguration. Resetting will remove all data in ~/.xpla/data and the addressbook in ~/.xpla/config/addrbook.json and reset the node to genesis state.

To perform a complete reset of your xplad state, use:

xplad tendermint unsafe-reset-all

Running this command successfully will produce the following log:

[ INF ] Removed existing address book file=/home/user/.xpla/config/addrbook.json
[ INF ] Removed all blockchain history dir=/home/user/.xpla/data
[ INF ] Reset private validator file to genesis state keyFile=/home/user/.xpla/config/priv_validator_key.json stateFile=/home/user/.xpla/data/priv_validator_state.json

Change Genesis

To change the genesis version, delete ~/.xpla/config/genesis.json.

You can recreate a genesis version via the following steps:

 xplad add-genesis-account $(xplad keys show <account-name> -a) 100000000000000000000axpla
 xplad gentx <account-name> 10000000000000000000axpla --chain-id=<network-name>
 xplad collect-gentxs

Reset Personal Data

To change your personal data to a pristine state, delete both ~/.xpla/config/priv_validator_state.json and ~/.xpla/config/node_key.json.

Node health

A healthy node will have the following files in place and populated:

  • Addressbook ~/.xpla/config/addrbook.json
  • Genesis file ~/.xpla/config/genesis.json
  • Validator state ~/.xpla/config/priv_validator_state.json
  • Node key ~/.xpla/config/node_key.json


You can proceed to resync manually.