Configure General Settings

The following information describes the most important node configuration settings found in the ~/.xpla/config/ directory. It is recommended that you update these settings with your own information.

Structure of .xpla/config
│-- addrbook.json                       # a registry of peers to connect to
│-- app.toml                            # xplad configuration file
│-- client.toml                         # configurations for the cli wallet (ex xplacli)
│-- config.toml                         # Tendermint configuration  file
│-- genesis.json                        # genesis transactions
│-- node_key.json                       # private key used for node authentication in the p2p protocol (its corresponding public key is the nodeid)
└-- priv_validator_key.json             # key used by the validator on the node to sign blocks

Initialize and Configure Moniker

Initialize the node with a human-readable name:

xplad init <your_custom_moniker> # ex., xplad init validator-joes-node

You can update your node’s moniker by editing the moniker field in ~/.xpla/config/config.toml

Start the Light Client Daemon (LCD)

For information about the available XPLA Chain REST API endpoints, see the Swagger documentation. To enable the REST API and Swagger, and to start the LCD, complete the following steps:

  1. Open ~/.xpla/config/app.toml.

  2. Locate the API Configuration section ([api]).

  3. Change enable = false to enable = true.

    # Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
    enable = true
  4. Optional: Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered. To enable Swagger, change swagger = false to swagger = true.

    swagger = true
  5. Restart the service via systemctl restart xplad. Once restarted, the LCD will be available (by default on port

Set-up external_address in config.toml

In order to be added to the address book in seed nodes, you need to configure external_address in config.toml. This addition will prevent continuous reconnections. The default P2P_PORT is 26656.

sed -i -e 's/external_address = \"\"/external_address = \"'$(curl | jq -r .origin)':26656\"/g' ~/.xpla/config/config.toml