'xplad' Mac

Install xplad for Mac (Intel or M1)

xplad is the command-line interface and daemon that connects to XPLA Chain and enables you to interact with the XPLA Chain. XPLA Chain core is the official Golang reference implementation of the XPLA Chain node software.

This guide is for developers who want to install xplad and interact with XPLA Chain core without running a full node. If you want to run a full node or join a network, visit Run a Full Node.

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/xpladev/xpla/tags and click on the latest release.

  2. Download the xpla_<latest-version-here>_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz file.

  3. Unzip the file in the downloads folder by double clicking on it.

  4. Navigate to the expanded file in downloads:

    cd Downloads/xpla_<downloaded-version>_Darwin_x86_64/
  5. Copy libwasmvm.dylib to /lib:

    sudo cp libwasmvm.dylib /usr/local/lib
  6. Add xplad to your path:

    sudo cp xplad /usr/local/bin
  7. Start xplad
