Install `xplad`

xplad is the command-line interface and daemon that connects to XPLA Chain and enables you to interact with the XPLA Chain. XPLA Chain core is the official Golang reference implementation of the XPLA Chain node software.

This guide is for developers who want to install xplad and interact with XPLA Chain core without running a full node. If you want to run a full node or join a network, visit Run a Full Node.


From Binary

The easiest way to install xplad and XPLA Chain core is by downloading a pre-built binary for your operating system. You can find the latest binaries on the releases page. If you have a Mac, follow the Mac installation instructions.

From Source

1. Get the XPLA Chain core source code

Use git to retrieve XPLA Chain core, and check out the main branch, which contains the latest stable release.

git clone
cd xpla
git checkout [latest version]

2. Build XPLA Chain core from source

Build XPLA Chain core, and install the xplad executable to your GOPATH environment variable.

make install

3. Verify your XPLA Chain core installation

Verify that XPLA Chain core is installed correctly.

xplad version --long

The following example shows version information when XPLA Chain core is installed correctly:

name: xpla
server_name: xplad
version: v0.0.5
commit: d947adaefadda0f29c92f18e8b33f769816f3c33
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.18.4 darwin/amd64

Next steps

For more information on xplad commands and usage, see Using xplad.