Common Examples

Use the following common examples to learn how to use xpla.js. If this is your first time using xpla.js, use the xpla.js installation guide.

Configuring LCDClient

The following code example shows how to initialize the LCDClient. The rest of the examples assume you initialized it by using this example or similar code.

import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch";
import { MsgSend, MnemonicKey, Coins, LCDClient } from "@xpla/xpla.js";

// Fetch gas prices and convert to `Coin` format.
const gasPrices = await (
  await fetch("", { redirect: 'follow' })
const gasPricesCoins = new Coins(gasPrices);

const lcd = new LCDClient({
  URL: "",
  chainID: "cube_47-5",
  gasPrices: gasPricesCoins,
  gasAdjustment: "1.5",
  gas: 10000000,

Get Wallet Balance (native tokens)

// Replace with address to check.
const address = "xpla1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
const [balance] = await;

Example response:

[{ denom: "axpla", amount: "5030884" }];

Get Wallet Balance (CW20 tokens)

// TEST on cube_47-5
const tokenAddress = "xpla1747mad58h0w4y589y3sk84r5efqdev9q4r02pc";
const walletAddress = "xpla1f44ddca9awepv2rnudztguq5rmrran2m20zzd6";
const response = await lcd.wasm.contractQuery(tokenAddress, {
  balance: { address: walletAddress },


Example response:

  balance: "70258667";

Get Transaction Status

// Replace with TX hash to lookup.
const hash = "CAB264B3D92FF3DFE209DADE791A866876DE5DD2A320C1200F9C5EC5F0E7B14B";
const txInfo = await lcd.tx.txInfo(hash);

Example response (modified for readability):

TxInfo {
  height: 8276372,
  txhash: 'CAB264B3D92FF3DFE209DADE791A866876DE5DD2A320C1200F9C5EC5F0E7B14B',
  raw_log: '[]',
  logs: [
    TxLog {
      msg_index: 0,
      log: '',
      events: [Array],
      eventsByType: [Object]
  gas_wanted: 177808,
  gas_used: 128827,
  tx: Tx {},
  timestamp: '2022-03-17T18:34:06Z',
  code: 0,
  codespace: ''
const getTransactionLink = (hash, chainID) =>
const hash = "CAB264B3D92FF3DFE209DADE791A866876DE5DD2A320C1200F9C5EC5F0E7B14B";

console.log(getTransactionLink(hash, "cube_47-5"));

Example response:
const getWalletLink = (address, chainID) =>
const address = "xpla1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
console.log(getWalletLink(address, "cube_47-5"));

Example response:

Sending Native Tokens

The following code example shows how to send native tokens:

import { LCDClient, MnemonicKey, MsgSend } from "@xpla/xpla.js";

// const lcd = new LCDClient(...);

const mk = new MnemonicKey({
    "satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn",

const wallet = lcd.wallet(mk);

// Transfer 1 XPLA.
const send = new MsgSend(
  { axpla: "1000000000000000000" }

const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [send] });
const result = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx);


Sending CW20 tokens

The following code example shows how to send CW20 tokens:

import {
} from "@xpla/xpla.js";

// const lcd = new LCDClient(...);

const mk = new MnemonicKey({
    "satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn",

const wallet = lcd.wallet(mk);

// TEST on cube_47-5
const tokenAddress = "xpla1747mad58h0w4y589y3sk84r5efqdev9q4r02pc";

// Transfer 1 TEST.
const cw20Send = new MsgExecuteContract(wallet.key.accAddress, tokenAddress, {
  transfer: {
    amount: "1000000",
    recipient: wallet.key.accAddress,

const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [cw20Send] });
const result = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx);


Swapping a Native XPLA Chain Asset for a CW20 Token Using Dezswap

The following code example shows how to swap a native asset for CW20 using Dezswap.

Run this example on mainnet.

import {
} from "@xpla/xpla.js";

// const lcd = new LCDClient(...);

const mk = new MnemonicKey({
    "satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn",

const wallet = lcd.wallet(mk);

const pool = "xpla1sdzaas0068n42xk8ndm6959gpu6n09tajmeuq7vak8t9qt5jrp6szltsnk";
const xplaAmount = 1000000000000000000

// Fetch the decimal of each asset in the pool and simulation result with `xplaAmount`.
const { asset_decimals: assetDecimals } = await lcd.wasm.contractQuery(pool, { "pair": {} });
const { return_amount: returnAmount } = await lcd.wasm.contractQuery( // Query
    "simulation": {
      "offer_asset": {
        "info" : {
          "native_token": {
            "denom": "axpla"
        "amount": `${xplaAmount}`

// Calculate belief price using pool balances.
const beliefPrice = ((xplaAmount / Math.pow(10, assetDecimals[0])) / (returnAmount / Math.pow(10, assetDecimals[1]))).toFixed(assetDecimals[0]);

// Swap 1 XPLA to CTXT with 1% slippage tolerance.
const swapMsg = new MsgExecuteContract(
    swap: {
      max_spread: "0.01",
      offer_asset: {
        info: {
          native_token: {
            denom: "axpla",
        amount: `${xplaAmount}`,
      belief_price: beliefPrice,
  new Coins({ axpla: `${xplaAmount}` })

const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [swapMsg] });
const result = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx);


Decoding Protobuf-encoded Messages

The following code example shows how to decode messages that have been encoded using Protobuf:

import { LCDClient, Tx } from "@xpla/xpla.js";

// const lcd = new LCDClient(...);

const blockData = await lcd.tendermint.blockInfo(5923213);

const txInfos = =>
  Tx.unpackAny({ value: Buffer.from(tx, "base64") })

// Find messages where a contract was initialized.
const initMessages = txInfos
  .map((tx) => tx.body.messages)
  .find((i) => === "MsgInstantiateContract");


Validate a XPLA Chain Address

The following code example shows how to do a basic verification on a XPLA Chain address.

This is a basic version of the verification, it does not require external libraries as it performs a simple comparison with a regex string. It could give false positives since it doesn’t verify the checksum of the address.

// basic address validation (no library required)
function isValid(address) {
  // check the string format:
  // - starts with "xpla1"
  // - length == 44 ("xpla1" + 38)
  // - contains only numbers and lower case letters
  return /(xpla1[a-z0-9]{38})/g.test(address);

console.log(isValid("xpla1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8")); // true
console.log(isValid("xpla1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")); // true (even if this doesn't have a valid checksum)
console.log(isValid("cosmos1zz22dfpvw3zqpeyhvhmx944a588fgcalw744ts")); // false
console.log(isValid("random string")); // false

This is a more advanced verification that requires the bech32 library which is used to verify the checksum.

import { bech32 } from "bech32";

// advanced address validation, it verify also the bech32 checksum
function isValid(address) {
  try {
    const { prefix: decodedPrefix } = bech32.decode(address); // throw error if checksum is invalid
    // verify address prefix
    return decodedPrefix === "xpla";
  } catch {
    // invalid checksum
    return false;

console.log(isValid("xpla1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8")); // true
console.log(isValid("xpla1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")); // false
console.log(isValid("cosmos1zz22dfpvw3zqpeyhvhmx944a588fgcalw744ts")); // false
console.log(isValid("random string")); // false

Avoid Status 500: Timed Out Waiting for TX to be Included in a Block

Occasionally the broadcast function of xpla.js throws the error Status 500: timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block, even if transaction will be confirmed onchain after a few seconds.

This happens because the libraries use by default the broadcast-mode = block, with this mode the LCD to which you are broadcasting the transaction sends an http response to your request only when the transaction has been included in a block, but if the chain is overloaded the confirmation may take too long and trigger a timeout in the LCD.

To solve this problem it is recommended to use the broadcast-mode = sync and then iterate a request to the LCD with the txhash to understand when it has been included in a block.

This is an example to do it in JavaScript:

// sign the tx
  // use broadcastSync() instead of broadcast()
  .then((tx) => xpla.tx.broadcastSync(tx))
  .then(async (result) => {
    // TODO: use a for or add a timeout to prevent infinite loops
    while (true) {
      // query txhash
      const data = await xpla.tx.txInfo(result.txhash).catch(() => {});
      // if hash is onchain return data
      if (data) return data;
      // else wait 250ms and then repeat
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 250));
  .then((result) => {
    // this will be executed when the tx has been included into a block