Develop'Xplad' Mac →About `Xplad` →Add Modules →Auth →AuthZ →Bank →Build a Simple XPLA Chain DApp →Capability →Coin and Coins →Commands →Common Examples →Crisis →CW20 Tokens →Developer Resources →Distribution →Environment Setup →Environment Setup →ERC20 Tokens →Evidence →EVM →Extension Vault →Fee Grant →Feemarket →Fees →Get Started →Get Started With Wallet Provider →Get Started With Xpla.js →Governance →History and Changes →IBC Transfers →Install `Xplad` →Interacting With the Contract →Interacting With the Contract →Keys →Make a Connection →Message Authorization →Mint →Mobile Vault →Numeric →Open Source Contract Comparison →Overview →Overview →Params →Query Data →Reward →Send Message →Sign With a Multisig Account →Signing Bytes →Slashing →Smart Contracts →Staking →Start the Light Client Daemon (LCD) →Subcommands →Transactions →Upgrade →Using 'Xplad' →Volunteer →Wallets →WASM →Websockets →Which Tools to Use →Writing the Contract →Writing the Contract →